Expression of interest for a puppy or adult. Be wary of any breeder who only wants to call you and wont allow a visit! See our testimonials page for real owners testaments of our GP's.  We do not ask for deposits, unless we have a suitable puppy for you. Beware of breeders who request deposits to wait for puppies that are not born yet or want to keep a deposit for future litters, without offering a refund! 

MASTERKARN KENNELS is a DOGS QLD registered breeder.

Expression of interest form.

WHY OUR PRICES are as they are... As a specialised breeder preserving a rare breed, our outstanding costs are an integral part of pricing any litter, not for making a profit. We are not a business consistently having back to back litters. Our devotion is to preserving this breed from extinction and our discernment when considering breeding, only expresses that concern.
Thank you for helping us do that.
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Thank you for filling in an expression of interest form.

We will send you back an application form and don't forget to check out our condition of sale agreement for the limited register dog and the show dogs below.

You've already responded.

You can submit this form only once.
Hello and thank you for applying for one of our puppies or adults.


The SHOW dog/MAIN REGISTER OWNER(S) home gets to have the physical ownership and companionship of a purebred German Pinscher or Dobermann and can show the dog until such time you wish to breed under the guidance of Masterkarn kennels..

This PET dog, or LIMITED REGISTER APPLICATION does not allow the said dog on a LIMITED REGISTERED pedigree to be bred, on-sold or exported. This allows the dog to live out his/her life as a loved and pampered companion dog in the PET or LIMITED REGISTER OWNER(S) home.  This Application for the PET/LIMITED REGISTER dog is mutually beneficial and gives the dog a great life as a companion with the family.

Deposits of $500 are required to retain a puppy and be on the wait list.

If you are interested in our Guardian Owner program please tick the box at "Are you looking for a GP for"...section.

Contact us on 0409493988 between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm Qld time, or fill in this contact form, we will email you back with a full application.

See our agreements Show or mains register agreement. or  Pets are on  limitedregisters agreements

Follow us on FB. Masterkarn dog family group or Masterkarn German Pinschers
YouTube - Masterkarn German Pinscher Kennel