The U.K breed Standard of the German Pinscher. We have pictures and explanation of each section in the extended breed standard. Added below is the FCI breed standard and its accepted faults/disqualifications. Informative FB group - Breed standard and Mentoring group.
Each standards section is divided for further comment, with photos and a more detailed expression. Based on our knowledge and understanding of this breed from its redevelopment to the dog it is today.
Understanding the German Pinscher in the show ring. Judging the German Pinscher. German Pinscher traits and how it affects their attitude in the ring.
The German Pinscher vs Dobermann breed article by Linda Krukar. reprinted with permission. The photo is A Ch. Clefells Jaguar- Jaggar is owned and bred by Linda Krukar of Dabney kennel and is represented in the article German Pinscher vs Dobermann.