Au. NZ. Ch. Masterkarn Echo of Pure Dance

Marley - Au. NZ. Ch. Masterkarn Echo of Pure Dance

Sire: Aust. CH Masterkarn Did It I Did, "Dane" 

Dam: Aust. CH Masterkarn Pure Ambition, “Noni" 

Breeder: J & A Fryer - Masterkarn - German Pinschers 

Date of Birth:

Height: 18 3/4 inches 

Weight: 17 kg Health Screening: 

vWD: DNA "Clear": 

Heart: Normal 

Eyes- Normal 

Hips: 4/1 Elbows: 0/0 

No Vaccination Reaction 

Marley has a Correct Scissors Bite with Complete Dentition.


N.Z Ch. Aust.Ch. Masterkarn Echo of Pure Dance

About Marley

Show Highlights:

Marley hit the ring in New Zealand under the expert handling Of Andrea Tansey of Melka kennels! She titled easily winning class in group awards including Junior in Group under breed specialist M Towell while in NZ.
Marley returned to us after her title and in whelp to Melka Rebel Rebel. Marley has been seriously considered for BIG Group with runs in group wit a Group 4th, under Dobermann Specialist M. Cowen since arriving back in Qld Australia.

Marley’s Story:

Marley was sent to NZ to gain her NZ title and come home in Whelp to A. Tanseys Rebel.
Marley is at the high end of the breed standard in height with great body and show ring presence. She just loves to show! Marley is a strong well built young bitch out of our lovely Champion girl Noni and the handsome Champion Dane. Marley is a lovely blend of both of his parents. She is a solid but elegant female with great showmanship. A nice neck flowing perfectly onto a very lovely top line. Beautiful angulation and front. Her movement is balanced, sound and free flowing. Her personality is very loving and affectionate and guards our home well. Marley loves to be inside on the couch or with me whether its to watch a movie on the couch or going for a ride or walk.

Now retired her progeny are carrying on her legacy.
She has produced Champions with Grand Champions in the making and her progeny are continuing that family trait.

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